Sunday 25 December 2011

Merry Christmas (with Christmas carols)!

The children all wanted to sing Chrismtas carols as their present to our family and friends this year.

Gabriella and Isabella:




Connor (with a song he spontaneously made up for the occasion):

Kayla & Connor (Connor didn't think he culd remember the words without Kayla's help.):

Cameron (He insisted on joining in even though he doesn't really know any songs by heart yet.):


And this one is sung by Gabriella specifically for Grandma and Grandpa:

Thursday 24 November 2011

Happy Thanksgiving 2011!

We went out to dinner at the Harvester, instead of cooking up a full-course Thanksgiving meal tonight. Here's a photo we had the waitress take with my phone.

Thanksgiving 2011

While at the restaurant, we asked the children what they were thankful for right now. Here are there answers.

Kayla (age 17):

Gabriella (age 9):

Isabella (age 6):

Connor (age 5):

Cameron (age 2, but turns 3 in 4 days):