Wednesday 17 September 2008

Isabella's 2nd Day At Preschool

Isabella has been saying for days now that she doesn't want to go to preschool again. On her first day of preschool, when her daddy asked her what she did at school, her answer was, "I cried."

We've been telling her what a big girl she is and how she gets to go to preschool because she is older now, but Connor can't because he is too young. Yesterday, on the phone with my mom, when my mom asked her how she was, Bella answered, "I'm older."

I made sure to let Isabella show me around her class today when I took her to preschool, so she could show me all of the fun stuff she would have to play with. I asked her to paint me a pretty picture to give me when I picked her up, and I told her I would just be going home to get her lunch ready for her before I came back to pick her up. She seemed fine when I left, and when I went to pick her up, she announced to me right away, "Mommy! I didn't cry!" and her teacher confirmed that she did not cry at all. She did paint me a picture but it was still drying, so I will have to pick it up during her next day at preschool.

I'm really pleased that she had a better preschool experience today!

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