Monday 26 October 2009


I was in the shower today, and my clothes were hanging on the inside of the bathroom door. Well, as anyone who is a mom knows, we moms rarely get to take a shower without interruptions and today was no exception.

Isabella, my four year old daughter, came into the bathroom. From the other side of the shower curtain, I could hear her talking.

"Oh! I see your underwear! And your booby-thing! But it's not a booby thing, it's a bra! I know it's a bra and not a booby-thing. Do you know how I know it's called a bra? I had a dream about seeing one, and in my dream I called it a bra. That's how I learned not to call it a booby-thing and to call it a bra." (Emphasis on the word bra is hers.)

When she left the bathroom, I allowed myself a giggle over the conversation and decided to share the new term she learned with you.

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