Yesterday, Robert left to go to the shop up the road from us to buy a few ingredients for dinner. Connor went with him. When they got home, Connor knocked on the door. I opened the door and found Connor on the other side, holding up a bouquet of red carnations towards me and saying loudly, "I LIKE you, Mommy!" His daddy whispered to him "Love, Connor; you were supposed to say 'I love you!'"
Connor gave me a big hug and told me he loved me. He said he chose the flowers because they were red and red is his favorite color. When I asked him why red is his favorite color, he reminded me that fire engines are red. (He is crazy about fire engines.)

I put the bouquet in a vase and set the vase on my living room window sill. Throughout the rest of the day, he kept pointing out the flowers to me and kept saying, "I bought those flowers for you, Mommy" with absolute pride in his voice. I took a picture of him today with the flowers, and he couldn't have been more pleased.

Happily, I get to sit here and see those flowers sitting in a vase in my window and be reminded how much I am loved by my little boy and how very lucky I am.