Thursday 22 April 2010

Cameron's 1st Haircut

Despite the fact that I knew it would remove his beautiful baby curls, it was finally time to give in and let Cameron get his first haircut. We have our own trimming set, so it was up to Robert to cut Cameron's hair.

We both worried a little bit because our son Connor is terrified of getting his hair cut with the trimmer and usually fights us while we do his hair. We hoped that Cameron would do better, and he did! He smiled throughout most of the haircut. Towards the end, he started getting a bit bored, but that was a pretty natural response.

And, as I always notice when Connor gets his hair cut too, Cameron's eyes looked so much bigger with his hair really short. He's a gorgeous baby boy.

And the good news is that, because Cameron had been so calm during his hair cut, when we cut Connor's hair afterwards, Connor was not as fearful or bothered by the process and did not fight us!

1 Camerons 1st Haircut

2 Camerons 1st Haircut

3 Camerons 1st Haircut

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